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Barre, MA Master Plan Steering Committee

Committee created to work with Central Mass Regional Planning Commission on Barre's Master Plan

Town of Barre, Massachusetts Master Plan Steering Committee Charge
The Town of Barre is in the process of creating a Master Plan. The effort shall be guided by the Town of Barre Master Plan Steering Committee (hereafter “the MPSC”). The MPSC shall convene with the purpose of preparing a plan that meets the requirements of Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 41, Section 81D, which outlines the statutory elements of a Master Plan.
The MSPC shall:
● Work with Town staff, Town officials, and a consultant team to update the Town’s Master Plan. Updating the Master Plan provides the community with a formal avenue through which to make regularly scheduled assessments of progress, both in terms of reviewing the effectiveness of development decisions and in terms of satisfying the priorities the Town has established for itself. This “living document” will act as a guiding force for any planning that is to occur within the Town in the future.
● Assist with Public Engagement. This will include publicizing regularly scheduled meetings, preparing minutes, attending and assisting with the facilitation of workshops, and advertising meetings and workshops through their personal networks.
● Develop goals, objectives and action items as well as review other materials. This will include reviewing feedback from surveys, public meetings and other outreach and synthesizing the feedback into coherent, actionable strategies. The MPSC may also be called upon to review data, drafts of handouts, surveys and other deliverables.
The MPSC is established through and accountable to the Planning Board. It will meet as a deliberative body subject to the Open Meeting Law.
Membership in the MPSC is based on appointment by the Select Board. Each member of the MPSC has full voting rights. Ex Officio members may be appointed by the Select Board as needed, but do not have voting rights. Governance of the MPSC Committee is by a Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary. The governance positions shall be chosen from and by the voting members of the MPSC.
Term of Service:
Members of the MPSC shall serve for the duration of time required to complete the Master Plan.

For Town:Barre, MA 
Name:Master Plan Steering Committee
Chair:Paul Cranston
Clerk:Dominque DuTremble
Members:Paul Cranston, Chair
Chris Higgins, Vice Chair
John Dixson, Clerk
Stanley Miknaitis
Doug Martin
Steve Salvadore
Dominique Dutremble, Regional Planner/Project Manager CMRPC
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No meetings of Master Plan Steering Committee are currently scheduled.

Past Meetings

TimeLocationMinutesOther Documents
Jan 05, 2023
5:30 PM EST
Henry Woods Building 1st Floor
location changed from senior center
Minutes on Record Details and Agenda...
Oct 11, 2022
5:30 PM EDT
Barre Senior Center
Minutes on Record Details and Agenda...

For information on older meetings, please contact the Town Clerk.

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