Change Summary

On Jan 09, 2015 1:03 PM EST Susan Byrne changed a meeting of Board of Assessors as follows:

So that the meeting notice now reads:

Information for Meeting of Board of Assessors
Tuesday Jan 20, 2015 6:00 PM EST

Town:Phillipston, MA 
Board:Board of Assessors
Time:Tuesday January 20, 2015 6:00 PM EST
Location:Phillipston Town Hall
Assessor's Office
Call Meeting to order.
1.) Discuss and sign Minutes of Meeting held on 12/15/2014.
2.) Discuss and sign Minutes of Meeting held on 12/22/2014.
3.) Discuss and sign Minutes of Meeting held on 1/5/2015.
4.) Memo from BOS on direct deposit.
5.) Sign monthly turnover for Motor Vehicle Abatement's.
6.) Review and sign Personal Property Abatement.
7.) Gerhard to sign letter to tax payer for more information regarding a motor vehicle abatement.
8.) Real Estate Abatement.  Discuss.
9.) Discuss Budget.
10.)  Sign Departmental Bills Payable.
10.)  Any other such business that shall come before the Board.
Scheduled By:Susan Byrne
Posted At:Jan 05, 2015 6:06 PM EST
Last Modified:Jan 15, 2015 2:52 PM EST