On Jun 23, 2021 9:57 AM EDT Deborah J. Merry changed a meeting of Town Meeting as follows:
So that the meeting notice now reads:
Town: | Dalton, MA |
Board: | Town Meeting |
Time: | Monday June 28, 2021 7:00 PM EDT |
Location: | Nessacus Regional Middle School |
Agenda: | 2021 TOWN OF DALTON BERKSHIRE COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS SPECIAL TOWN MEETING WARRANT _______________________________________________________________ GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required and directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Dalton, qualified by law to vote in the Elections and Town Affairs, to meet in the: NESSACUS REGIONAL MIDDLE SCHOOL 35 FOX ROAD IN DALTON, MASSACHUSETTS MONDAY, JUNE 28, 2021 AT 7:00 P.M. Then and there to act on the following articles: ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money from available funds to be reimbursed by a grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in accordance with Chapter 90, Section 34 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and any other enabling statute, for the purposes of highway maintenance, repaving, and similar roadway expenditures and further, to authorize the Select Board to enter into contracts or grant agreements with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for such purposes as necessary; or to take any other action in relation thereto. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds, or otherwise provide a sum of money for the purposes of paying the Town’s share of a grant for the Walker Brook design and engineering, including all incidental and related expenses; or to take any other action in relation thereto. TWO-THIRDS VOTE REQUIRED ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate and/or transfer from the Capital Stabilization Fund a sum of money for costs related to capital improvements in Town, including all incidental and related expenses, including without limitation the equipping of vehicles, plows, sanders, telephone and computer systems, and generators; or to take any other action in relation thereto. TWO-THIRDS VOTE REQUIRED ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money for the purposes of renovation and construction in the Town Hall, including without limitation asbestos abatement and temporary office relocation¬, borrowing costs associated with said program, and all other costs incidental or related thereto¬; and further, to meet this appropriation, to authorize the Treasurer, with the approval of the Select Board, borrow said sum under Chapter 44, Section 7 of the Massachusetts General Laws, or any other enabling authority, and that the Select Board is authorized to take any other action necessary to carry out this project; and further, that any premium received by the Town upon the sale of any bonds or notes approved by this vote, less any premium applied to the payment of the costs of issuance of such bonds or notes, may be applied to the payment of costs approved by this vote in accordance with Chapter 44, Section 20 of the Massachusetts General Laws,, thereby reducing by a like amount the amount authorized to be borrowed to pay such costs; or to take any other action in relation thereto. TWO-THIRDS VOTE REQUIRED ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds, or otherwise provide a sum of money to pay a bill from a prior fiscal year, pursuant to the requirements of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 64; or to take any other action in relation thereto. NINE-TENTHS VOTE REQUIRED ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds, or otherwise provide a sum of money to provide payment for a consultant to revise the Town’s job descriptions, classifications, and compensation plan, including any incidental and related expenses; or to take any other action in relation thereto. TWO-THIRDS VOTE REQUIRED ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to amend the vote taken under Article 4 at the Annual Town Meeting of May 3, 2021, to increase or reduce the sums of money raised and appropriated for several departments for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021; or to take any other action in relation thereto. And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting a minimum of five attested copies thereof as required by the Bylaws of said Town, fourteen days at least before the time of holding said meetings. Hereof, fail not, and make due returns of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of holding meetings as aforesaid. Given under our hands and seal this 7th day of June, 2021. A true copy. ATTEST: SIGNED: _____________________________ Joseph A. Diver, Chairman _____________________________ _____________________________ Deborah J. Merry, TOWN CLERK Robert W. Bishop, Jr., Vice-Chairman _____________________________ John F. Boyle _____________________________ Marc E. Strout _____________________________ Daniel E. Esko SELECT BOARD By virtue of the within Warrant, I have served the same by posting in five public places attested copies thereof as the Bylaws of the Town direct, fourteen days at least before the time of holding said meeting. ____________________________ DATE:_______________________ CONSTABLE POSTED: Dewey’s Public House, Dalton Restaurant, Greenridge Variety Convenience, Dalton General Store, U.S. Post Office, Stacie’s Corner Café, Town Hall Bulletin Board |
Scheduled By: | Deborah J. Merry |
Posted At: | Jun 23, 2021 9:53 AM EDT |
Last Modified: | Jun 23, 2021 9:57 AM EDT |