On Jan 10, 2021 9:10 PM EST Robin Richard changed a meeting of Personnel Policy & Procedure Board as follows:
Emergency Meeting to approve PCFs 6:00 Call to order Approve minutes of December 17, 2020 & December 22, 2020 Emergency PCF so employee may start working on January 20, 2021 Tracy Lamica, Administrative Assistant, Treasurer Collector's Office, $16.95/hr 30 hours/wk, Benefitted, Effective January 20, 2021 PCF Tracy Lamica, Administrative Assistant, Treasurer Collector's Office, $16.95/hr 30 hours/wk, Benefitted, Effective January 20, 2021 Discussion on PCF Procedure, E-mail Procedure, Posting procedure Requested by Francine Tishman. PCF's procedure. When the successful job candidate has been selected, the Department Head or Appointing Authority shall prepare a fully completed Personnel Change Form (PCF), which should be submitted to the Town Accountant, who will verify whether funds are available for the new position. The PCF shall then be submitted to the PPPB for its review and recommendation. Thereafter, the PCF shall be submitted to the BOS, which has the final authority to approve, disapprove, modify or remand the PCF. NO CANDIDATE MAY REPORT FOR DUTY PRIOR TO AUTHORIZATION BY THE BOS OF THE PCF. All members should be copied on correspondence. Agenda posting requires 48 hour notice, also requires documentation before posting. The next PPPB meeting is set for January 28, 2021 Adjourn Respectfully submitted by Robin Richard, PPPB Clerkto
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99745857702?pwd=eStjaTd1Sk9DOHI3Yll6RUJyVnBjUT09 Meeting ID: 997 4585 7702 Passcode: 223439 One tap mobile +13017158592,,99745857702#,,,,*223439# US (Washington D.C) +13126266799,,99745857702#,,,,*223439# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Meeting ID: 997 4585 7702 Passcode: 223439 Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adVvHkDeiI Emergency Meeting to approve PCFs 6:00 Call to order Approve minutes of December 17, 2020 & December 22, 2020 Emergency PCF so employee may start working on January 20, 2021 Tracy Lamica, Administrative Assistant, Treasurer Collector's Office, $16.95/hr 30 hours/wk, Benefitted, Effective January 20, 2021 PCF Tracy Lamica, Administrative Assistant, Treasurer Collector's Office, $16.95/hr 30 hours/wk, Benefitted, Effective January 20, 2021 Discussion on PCF Procedure, E-mail Procedure, Posting procedure Requested by Francine Tishman. PCF's procedure. When the successful job candidate has been selected, the Department Head or Appointing Authority shall prepare a fully completed Personnel Change Form (PCF), which should be submitted to the Town Accountant, who will verify whether funds are available for the new position. The PCF shall then be submitted to the PPPB for its review and recommendation. Thereafter, the PCF shall be submitted to the BOS, which has the final authority to approve, disapprove, modify or remand the PCF. NO CANDIDATE MAY REPORT FOR DUTY PRIOR TO AUTHORIZATION BY THE BOS OF THE PCF. All members should be copied on correspondence. Agenda posting requires 48 hour notice, also requires documentation before posting. The next PPPB meeting is set for January 28, 2021 Adjourn Respectfully submitted by Robin Richard, PPPB Clerk
So that the meeting notice now reads:
Town: | Southampton, MA |
Board: | Personnel Policy & Procedure Board |
Time: | Thursday January 14, 2021 6:00 PM EST |
Location: | Zoom Meeting |
Agenda: | Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99745857702?pwd=eStjaTd1Sk9DOHI3Yll6RUJyVnBjUT09 Meeting ID: 997 4585 7702 Passcode: 223439 One tap mobile +13017158592,,99745857702#,,,,*223439# US (Washington D.C) +13126266799,,99745857702#,,,,*223439# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Meeting ID: 997 4585 7702 Passcode: 223439 Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adVvHkDeiI Emergency Meeting to approve PCFs 6:00 Call to order Approve minutes of December 17, 2020 & December 22, 2020 Emergency PCF so employee may start working on January 20, 2021 Tracy Lamica, Administrative Assistant, Treasurer Collector's Office, $16.95/hr 30 hours/wk, Benefitted, Effective January 20, 2021 PCF Tracy Lamica, Administrative Assistant, Treasurer Collector's Office, $16.95/hr 30 hours/wk, Benefitted, Effective January 20, 2021 Discussion on PCF Procedure, E-mail Procedure, Posting procedure Requested by Francine Tishman. PCF's procedure. When the successful job candidate has been selected, the Department Head or Appointing Authority shall prepare a fully completed Personnel Change Form (PCF), which should be submitted to the Town Accountant, who will verify whether funds are available for the new position. The PCF shall then be submitted to the PPPB for its review and recommendation. Thereafter, the PCF shall be submitted to the BOS, which has the final authority to approve, disapprove, modify or remand the PCF. NO CANDIDATE MAY REPORT FOR DUTY PRIOR TO AUTHORIZATION BY THE BOS OF THE PCF. All members should be copied on correspondence. Agenda posting requires 48 hour notice, also requires documentation before posting. The next PPPB meeting is set for January 28, 2021 Adjourn Respectfully submitted by Robin Richard, PPPB Clerk |
Scheduled By: | Robin Richard |
Posted At: | Jan 07, 2021 9:03 PM EST |
Last Modified: | Jan 10, 2021 9:10 PM EST |