Change Summary

On Sep 27, 2018 11:12 AM EDT Dee Green changed a meeting of Select Board as follows:

So that the meeting notice now reads:

Information for Meeting of Select Board
Monday Oct 01, 2018 7:00 PM EDT

Town:Berlin, MA 
Board:Select Board
Time:Monday October 01, 2018 7:00 PM EDT
Location:Berlin Town Offices
Room 206
**updated 10/1/18 **

7PM – Peter Hoffman/Economic Development Committee – use of Cabela’s meeting space/meals
7:15PM – Earthwork Board public hearing – Christopher Slade, Trustee, Ken-Chris Realty Trust, earth importation request, Highland St., Assessor Parcel ID# Map 15, Parcels 27 & 27.1.  Full notice below
7:30PM – CONTINUATION of 9/24/18 Public Hearing - Board of Assessors/tax classification hearing. Full notice below
7:45PM – Treasurer regarding Insurance Advisory Committee regarding request for consultant

1.	Meeting minutes 
a.	Open Session:  8/22, 8/27, 8/29, 9/10 6PM, 9/10 7PM, 9/13, 9/17
b.	Executive Session:  9/17
2.	Admin. Secretary request to attend training/workshops: 10/12, 10/26, 11/1, 11/30
3.	Re-appointment to Zoning Board of Appeals for term through November 30, 2021:
a.	Dennis Bartlett 
b.	Lynn Ryan 
4.	Fire Chief search update
5.	STM Preparation
6.	Building Inspector Study and Inspectors Compensation

EXECUTIVE SESSION: none scheduled


The Board of Selectmen, acting in its capacity as Berlin Earthwork Board, will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, October 1, 2018, at 7:15 p.m. in the Town Offices Building, Room 206, 23 Linden Street, Berlin, MA to consider the application of ¬Christopher Slade, Trustee, Ken-Chris Realty Trust of Bolton, MA for an Earthwork Permit for the importation of up to 12,000 cubic yards of earth material to the so-called proposed Highland Ridge Senior Residential Development located on Highland Street (Town of Berlin Assessors’ Map 15, Parcel 27 & 27.1) as outlined in an application for Special Permit filed with the Berlin Planning Board and dated July 12, 2018. Any persons wishing to be heard on this matter may appear at the above stated time and place.

Christine Keefe, Chairman

CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING from 9/24/18 to 10/1/2018

In accordance with MGL Chapter 40, Section 56, the Board of Selectmen shall hold a public hearing on Monday, September 24, 2018, at 7:00 PM in the Berlin Municipal Building, 23 Linden Street, Room 206, Berlin, MA. This hearing shall be held with the Board of Assessors for the purpose of discussing and determining the certified valuation of each class of property; the minimum residential factor; and the allocation of the tax burden among the four classes of real property: Residential, Open Space, Commercial and Industrial; and personal property.

Interested citizens may present oral or written views prior to or during the public hearing.

BOARD OF SELECTMEN - Christine Keefe, Lisa Wysocki, Margaret Stone
Scheduled By:Dee Green
Posted At:Sep 11, 2018 1:46 PM EDT
Last Modified:Oct 01, 2018 2:33 PM EDT