On May 21, 2024 2:25 PM EDT Grace Bannasch changed a meeting of Conservation Commission as follows:
1. Open Meeting 2. Minutes 05/09/2024, 04/25/2024, 03/28/2024 3.7:10 Peter Gees - Informal Project Permitting on a Utility Road Discussion 4.7:15 14 Lake Drive AOOC Request/Donna and Andrew McCallum (DEP File #286-0289) Open Public Hearing - replacing a failing steel drain pipe to prevent catastrophic failure and to presume construction 5. 7:30pm Master Fee Schedule Public Hearing - The Shutesbury Conservation Commission will hold a virtual public hearing on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 7:30pm to discuss, deliberate, and vote on changes to the Master Fee Schedule (in the Shutesbury Conservation Commission Regulations) as approved by the Selectboard. Texts of the proposed amendments are on file with the Town Clerk and may be inspected during normal business hours and are posted on the Town website, https://www.shutesbury.org/wetlands-bylaw-updates. This meeting will be conducted remotely. The meeting invitation and instructions on how to connect via Zoom will be available on the Town website (www.shutesbury.org/calendars) at least 48 hours before the meeting. This meeting may be rescheduled due to unforeseen circumstances. 6. 7:45pm 66 Leverett Rd / Lot O-32 (DEP File #286-0304) review Trash Removal Plan and Invasive Management Plan for Library Project. 7. Site Visits and Scheduling 8. Unanticipated Business 9. Adjournto
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/98232101552?pwd=T3pibmhxUG92ZVhEbE5YQWFOUCtmdz09 Meeting ID: 982 3210 1552 Passcode: 502255 Phone: +1 646 558 8656 1. Open Meeting 2. Minutes 05/09/2024, 04/25/2024, 03/28/2024 3.7:10 Peter Gees - Informal Project Permitting on a Utility Road Discussion 4.7:15 14 Lake Drive AOOC Request/Donna and Andrew McCallum (DEP File #286-0289) Open Public Hearing - replacing a failing steel drain pipe to prevent catastrophic failure and to presume construction 5. 7:30pm Master Fee Schedule Public Hearing - The Shutesbury Conservation Commission will hold a virtual public hearing on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 7:30pm to discuss, deliberate, and vote on changes to the Master Fee Schedule (in the Shutesbury Conservation Commission Regulations) as approved by the Selectboard. Texts of the proposed amendments are on file with the Town Clerk and may be inspected during normal business hours and are posted on the Town website, https://www.shutesbury.org/wetlands-bylaw-updates. This meeting will be conducted remotely. The meeting invitation and instructions on how to connect via Zoom will be available on the Town website (www.shutesbury.org/calendars) at least 48 hours before the meeting. This meeting may be rescheduled due to unforeseen circumstances. 6. 7:45pm 66 Leverett Rd / Lot O-32 (DEP File #286-0304) review Trash Removal Plan and Invasive Management Plan for Library Project. 7. Site Visits and Scheduling 8. Unanticipated Business 9. Adjourn
So that the meeting notice now reads:
Town: | Shutesbury, MA |
Board: | Conservation Commission |
Time: | Thursday May 23, 2024 7:00 PM EDT |
Location: | * Virtual Meeting |
Agenda: | Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/98232101552?pwd=T3pibmhxUG92ZVhEbE5YQWFOUCtmdz09 Meeting ID: 982 3210 1552 Passcode: 502255 Phone: +1 646 558 8656 1. Open Meeting 2. Minutes 05/09/2024, 04/25/2024, 03/28/2024 3.7:10 Peter Gees - Informal Project Permitting on a Utility Road Discussion 4.7:15 14 Lake Drive AOOC Request/Donna and Andrew McCallum (DEP File #286-0289) Open Public Hearing - replacing a failing steel drain pipe to prevent catastrophic failure and to presume construction 5. 7:30pm Master Fee Schedule Public Hearing - The Shutesbury Conservation Commission will hold a virtual public hearing on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 7:30pm to discuss, deliberate, and vote on changes to the Master Fee Schedule (in the Shutesbury Conservation Commission Regulations) as approved by the Selectboard. Texts of the proposed amendments are on file with the Town Clerk and may be inspected during normal business hours and are posted on the Town website, https://www.shutesbury.org/wetlands-bylaw-updates. This meeting will be conducted remotely. The meeting invitation and instructions on how to connect via Zoom will be available on the Town website (www.shutesbury.org/calendars) at least 48 hours before the meeting. This meeting may be rescheduled due to unforeseen circumstances. 6. 7:45pm 66 Leverett Rd / Lot O-32 (DEP File #286-0304) review Trash Removal Plan and Invasive Management Plan for Library Project. 7. Site Visits and Scheduling 8. Unanticipated Business 9.Public Comment 10. Adjourn |
Scheduled By: | Matteo Pangallo LUC |
Posted At: | May 20, 2024 11:28 AM EDT |
Last Modified: | May 21, 2024 3:35 PM EDT |