On Apr 23, 2024 1:46 PM EDT Grace Bannasch changed a meeting of Conservation Commission as follows:
1. open meeting 2. Welcome New Commissioner(s) 3. minutes 03/28/2024, 04/11/2024 4. 7:15pm E5/F6 Transmission ROW NOI/NEP NOI Public Hearing, exploratory soil borings (No MassDEP# due to activity exemption) 5. 7:30pm 57-59 Shore Drive AOOC Public Hearing, DEP File #286-0300: change and decrease the overall footprint of the proposed dwelling in the site plan 6. Wightman Curb Cut Application Sign-off 7. Unanticipated business 8. Adjournto
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84236165327?pwd=VCt0S2pBWWQ0TTBvcHZob0pNYkkyQT09 Meeting ID: 842 3616 5327 Passcode: TzMy9p 1. open meeting 2. Welcome New Commissioner(s) 3. minutes 03/28/2024, 04/11/2024 4. 7:15pm E5/F6 Transmission ROW NOI/NEP NOI Public Hearing, exploratory soil borings (No MassDEP# due to activity exemption) 5. 7:30pm 57-59 Shore Drive AOOC Public Hearing, DEP File #286-0300: change and decrease the overall footprint of the proposed dwelling in the site plan 6. Wightman Curb Cut Application Sign-off 7. Unanticipated business 8. Adjourn
So that the meeting notice now reads:
Town: | Shutesbury, MA |
Board: | Conservation Commission |
Time: | Thursday April 25, 2024 7:00 PM EDT |
Location: | * Virtual Meeting |
Agenda: | Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84236165327?pwd=VCt0S2pBWWQ0TTBvcHZob0pNYkkyQT09 Meeting ID: 842 3616 5327 Passcode: TzMy9p 1. Open Meeting 2. Welcome New Commissioner(s) 3. Minutes 03/28/2024, 04/11/2024 4. 7:15pm E5/F6 Transmission ROW NOI/NEP NOI Public Hearing, exploratory soil borings (No MassDEP# due to activity exemption - only under the Shutesbury Wetlands Protection Bylaw) 5. 7:30pm 57-59 Shore Drive AOOC Public Hearing, DEP File #286-0300: change and decrease the overall footprint of the proposed dwelling in the site plan 6. Site Visit Scheduling 7. Unanticipated business 8. Adjourn |
Scheduled By: | Matteo Pangallo LUC |
Posted At: | Apr 23, 2024 1:41 PM EDT |
Last Modified: | Apr 24, 2024 7:56 AM EDT |