Agenda: | Mary Calandrella is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Conservation Commission
Time: Jun 8, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Monday, June 8th, 2020
6:30 P.M.
Zoom Meeting
6:30 PM Agenda Review/General Discussion
Public Meetings/Hearings:
6:40 PM – Notice Of Intent – 206 lakeshore Dr. (Map 57 Parcel 9). The applicants, John & Susan Maxim, are filing for the construction of an addition to a single family home within the Buffer Zone of a Vegetated Wetland (Lake Watatic).
6:45 PM – Notice Of Intent – 1 Sunset Isle Rd. (Map 28 Parcel 690). The applicant, Timothy Milewski, is filing for the construction of an addition to a single family home within the Buffer Zone of a Vegetated Wetland ( Sunset Lake).
6:50 PM – Notice Of Intent – 8 Dunn Rd. (Map 50 Parcel 1A). The applicant, Richard Wright, is filing for the construction of a single family home within the Buffer Zone of a Vegetated Wetland.
6:55 PM – Request For Determination – 48 lakeshore Dr. (Map 55 Parcel 55). The applicant, Steven Gasper, is filing to replace an existing foundation to a single family home within the Buffer Zone of Lake Watatic.
Guest & Visitors
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