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Meeting ID: 938 4828 3482
Passcode: 2491896:00 call Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes of May 27, 2021
Open time for the Public
Vacation Carry Over Requests:
Kristy Facto, Assistant Treasurer/Collector, 15 vacation hours
Lisa Shea, Library, 20 vacation hours
Johanna Douglass, Library, 9 vacation hours
Geraldine Swanson, BOH, 1 week vacation
PCFs for Annual Increase Discussion
Exempt Salary Employee Discussion
John Workman, Fire Chief, Contractual Increase & Retro effective July 1, 2020 90,000 annual
John Workman, Fire Chief, Contractual increase effective July 1, 2021 99,600
Wage Review - Ongoing
Rules and Regulation Review - Ongoing
New Business
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