Town: | Berlin, MA |
Board: | Select Board |
Time: | Monday June 25, 2018 7:00 PM EDT |
Location: | Berlin Town Offices 23 Linden St. Berlin MA, 01503 Room 206 |
Agenda: | **updated 6/25/2018 ** BOARD OF SELECTMEN’S MEETING Monday, June 25, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. Berlin Town Offices, 23 Linden Street, Berlin, MA AGENDA APPOINTMENTS: 7:15 PM Police & Fire/EMS Chiefs re: Regionalization talks with Boylston PD/FD/EMS Fire request for surplus Police cruiser for inspections Fire/EMS Chief post Ambulance Receivables Write-Off Policy 7:30 PM BOH Chair re: Payroll/vacations Gates Pond Road 7:45 PM Treasurer re: MIIA health insurance pricing/percentages Scheduling IAC meeting APPROVALS: 1. Meeting minutes: a. Open Session: June 8, June 11, June 18, & June 22 b. Executive Session: June 11 2. Refund(s): a. Real Estate FY17 - $760.80; b. Real Estate FY18 - $3,777.24 c. Real Estate FY18 - $10.57 d. Motor Vehicle FY18 - $337.04 e. Motor Vehicle FY18 - $29.84 3. Reserve Fund Transfer: Legal Expenses 4. 1-Day liquor license, fee waived, Paul Favreau, Treasurer, Father Cue Golf Committee a/k/a Crystal Club Charity Open, Berlin Country Club, 25 Carr Rd., Aug. 11, 2018, 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. 5. Approve disposal/donation by School Dept. of existing surplus BMS Playground equipment/structures 6. (Re)appointment(s): (a) Acceptance of resignation of Nadine Ekstrom from Economic Development Committee, effective June 21, 2018; (b) reappointment of John Solera to Capital Planning Comm., through June 30, 2020 7. Approve job description and advertisement for Highway/Facilities Supt. position 8. Permission for Admin. Sec. to attend: (a) Tue., July 3, 2018 MIIA seminar/Westborough; (b) Thur., July 11, 2018 MCPPO training/North Attleborough; (c) Wed., August 1, 2018 ABCC training/Leominster 9. Personnel Committee – (a) Role of Personnel Committee for approval; (b) whether to CORI elected officials; (c) request to carry over Sterling DPW vacation time for new Highway hire Brian Fitzgerald 10. Creation of running Town request portal for state funding for legislators 11. Planning/Scheduling Department Head meeting, subject matter for agenda 12. Letter to Cable Access Committee regarding FY19 budget 13. FY19 fiscal close out: (a) release of BOS-controlled account balances; (b) release of BOS-controlled special articles 14. Scheduling appointment with Rail Trail Advisory Committee regarding its draft report 15. 1870 Town Hall financial update; Antonelli Change Orders No. 9, 10 and 11 OTHER NEW BUSINESS OLD BUSINESS SELECTMEN UPDATES EXECUTIVE SESSION: none scheduled |
Scheduled By: | Dee Green |
Posted At: | May 30, 2018 3:16 AM EDT |
Last Modified: | Jun 25, 2018 6:58 PM EDT |
Minutes: | Minutes are not on record with the Town Clerk's office |
Board of Assessors | Berlin Town Offices Assessors Office | 6:00 PM | Details... |
Date | Changes | |
Jun 21, 2018 7:04 PM EDT | Agenda | Details... |
Jun 25, 2018 6:58 PM EDT | Agenda | Details... |