October 21, 2020
7:00 P.M.
In accordance with the Governor’s Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law,
M.G.L. c. 30A, § 20, relating to the 2020 novel Coronavirus outbreak emergency, the October 21, 2020, 7:00 P.M., public meeting of the Norfolk Zoning Board of Appeals shall be physically closed to the public to avoid group congregation.
Alternative public access to this meeting shall be made utilizing the Zoom virtual meeting software for remote access. This software will allow users to view the meeting and send a comment or question to the Chair via the “Raise your Hand” function. The Meeting will be recorded for future rebroadcast by Norfolk Community Television.
*PLEASE NOTE: To attend this meeting, please sign in using your first and last name. If you wish to ask a question or provide comment, please use the “Raise Hand” feature available when you click on your name, or the arrow at the bottom of the screen next to “Participants”.
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 895 2876 5826
Zoom Meeting Call-In: 1-929-205-6099
• 7:00 P.M. – 35 Pine Street, Comprehensive Permit
• As required
• August 5, 2021
• September 2, 2020
• September 16, 2020
• September 21, 2020
• 104 Pond Street – to correct an administrative error on Special Permit issued August 12, 1976, issued to Edwin R. Gourley to allow him to operate a used car business. The business location should have referred to 104 Pond Street, not 106 Pond Street.
• Discuss Board membership
• Unanticipated New Business as Required
NEXT MEETINGS: November 18, 2020; December 16, 2020; January 20, 2021; February 17, 2021 |