Agenda: | Mary Calandrella is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Conservation Commission Meeting
Time: Apr 1, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Wednesday; April 1, 2020
6:00 P.M.
Remotely via ‘Zoom Video-conferencing’
6:00 PM Agenda Review/General Discussion
Public Meetings/Hearings*:
6:05 PM Notice of Intent (continuation) – Lot 1, 2 Bray Avenue (Map 20 Parcel 81F).
The applicant, Edmond McSweeney, is filing for a Wetland Crossing for a
driveway and the construction of a single-family home within the Buffer Zone of
a Vegetated Wetland. DEP File # 092-0988.
6:20 PM Notice of Intent – 11 Lillian Drive (Map 21, Lot 12). The applicant, Patrick
Wood, is filing for the replacement of the existing septic system within the Buffer
Zone of a Vegetated Wetland. DEP File # 092-0989.
6:30 PM Request for Amended Order of Conditions – 96 West Shore Drive (Map 45,
Lot 17). The applicant, Johansson Family Trust/David & Holly Johansson, are
filing for the removal of trees within the Buffer Zone of Sunset Lake. DEP File #
Guest & Visitors: None Scheduled
Other Commission Business/Administration:
Crocker Farm Conservation Project – Review/approval of proposed Conservation
Restriction for two (2) parcels on Jewel Hill Road in Ashburnham.
Approval of Meeting Minutes for February 10th and March 9th, 2020. |