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Call to Order
Open Time for Public
New Business
Approve the Minutes of November 19, 2020
Brianna Eichstaedt - Auxiliary Police Officer, No Pay, No Benefits
Donald Snyder, EMD, Replaces Charlie Kanieki, Stipend $1,000 per month until grant funding is exhausted, effective 12/1/20 No benefits
Temporary Town Custodian, to fill in during absence, $14.00 - 16.00 per hour, 19 hrs/week, No Benefits
Assistant Town Accountant, $17.00 - $20.00 per hour, 20 hrs/week, benefits eligible
Old Business:
Reviewing Rules and Regulations will be an ongoing process.
The next PPPB meeting is set for January 28, 2021
Respectfully submitted by Robin Richard, PPPB Clerk |