Town: | Pelham, MA |
Board: | Community Preservation Committee |
Time: | Thursday May 16, 2024 6:00 PM EDT |
Location: | Zoom Zoom Web Site Join Zoom Meeting |
Agenda: | 6:00 pm Meeting Opening 6:05 Approval of minutes from April 18. 6:15 Stuart Saginor: Executive Director of the Community Preservation Coalition Statewide CPA update presentation from Stuart Saginor Pelham CPC questions Can you explain maintenance vs. improvements? Can you provide more explanation on how funds can be used in relation to schools? Who can submit a proposal? Does it need to be a public entity and not an individual? Estimating budgets: Is there a problem with underestimating because we would then be underfunded for a project? Is there a problem if we estimate slightly more than what we receive? How do we implement and account for the situation shown below from the CPA statue? Do those funds need to be allocated for a previously approved project? Can it be anticipatory? from the Community Preservation Act Chpt 44, Sec 5 b(3) (3) The community preservation committee may include in its recommendation to the legislative body a recommendation to set aside for later spending funds for specific purposes that are consistent with community preservation but for which sufficient revenues are not then available in the Community Preservation Fund to accomplish that specific purpose or to set aside for later spending funds for general purposes that are consistent with community preservation. 7:15 Updates on Elementary School playground ADA Upgrade: Review the Opinion of Cost (OPC) that was received from the architects, The Berkshire Design Group. 7:30 pm Adjourn meeting |
Scheduled By: | Kate Sypek |
Posted At: | May 13, 2024 10:26 AM EDT |
Last Modified: | May 13, 2024 10:26 AM EDT |
Minutes: | Minutes are not on record with the Town Clerk's office |
Energy Committee | Zoom | 7:30 PM | Details... |
IT Advisory Group | Zoom | 7:30 PM | Details... |