Agenda: | The Town Building Committee
Board of Fire Engineers
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
7:00 p.m.
Town Hall 3rd Floor Auditorium
• Introduction of New Members.
• Public Comment.
• Discussion with respect to possible replacement of existing public safety building on the same site using staged construction techniques that will eventually translate to a completely new, combined facility there.
• Discussion with respect to the criteria to be set within a Request for Proposals to solicit offers from private property owners to sell property to the Town for the siting of a new fire station or combined public safety building.
• Discussion relative to other potential options that may be suggested at the meeting by Board members.
• Discussion with respect to a future Town Meeting article to appropriate funds for engineers, an architectural firm, and a Project Manager to assist with the vetting and cost analysis for the options noted above in order to present to a subsequent Town Meeting a new proposal for the final design, construction, and project oversight of the chosen scenario.
• Items that would not have been apparent to the Chairman until after the meeting posting deadline. |