Information for Meeting of Library Trustees
Wednesday March 23, 2022 1:00 PM EDT

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Tammy Martin, Town Administrator p. 978.355.2504 ext. 101 / f. 978.355.5023
Town:Barre, MA 
Board:Library Trustees
Time:Wednesday March 23, 2022 1:00 PM EDT
Location:Henry Woods Memorial Library 19 Pleasant St. Barre
Henry Woods Memorial Library
Allen Hall
Board of Trustees Special Meeting Agenda
March 23, 2022
1:00 P.M
1.	Review internal applications and resumes for the position of Library Director.

2.	Review the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners’ qualifications for library director for municipalities of with less than 10,000 residents.
Personnel Standards
(a) under 10,000:	Chief Librarian: college graduate with special training either received or to be received within a five-year period by courses in the basic library techniques of administration, materials selection, cataloging and classification, and reference offered through a university or college, or by professionally qualified personnel instructing in institutions of higher education, the board of library commissioners or a regional library system, approved by the Board of Library Commissioners. Qualify for a certificate of subprofessional librarianship issued by the Board of Library Commissioners.

3.	Implement the following guidelines outlined in the Town of Barre Vacancy Appointment Policy.
•	“Devise standard selection questions which are not gender, race biased, or otherwise discriminatory and use the same questions for all candidates.”
•	“Screen resumes for minimum entrance requirements.”
•	“Select candidates for interview, and send a letter to candidates not selected”.
4.	Request for Executive Session:  Discuss personnel appointments and salary requirements.
Scheduled By:David Deschamps
Posted At:Mar 17, 2022 9:53 AM EDT
Last Modified:Mar 18, 2022 10:02 AM EDT
Minutes:Minutes are not on record with the Town Clerk's office
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Minutes and Associated Documents

HWL minutes 3-23-22.pdf  (download) 631 Kb Apr 19, 2023 8:47 PM EDT

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Mar 18, 2022 10:02 AM EDTAgenda Details...