Agenda: | Meeting Agenda
Monday January 3, 2022
6:00 pm
2nd Floor Conference Room
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Review and Approval of Minutes
a. December 6, 2021
b. January 3, 2022
III. Public Comment
IV. Old Business
a. Ongoing Review of PPPB Rules & Regulations
i. To consider proposal offered by the Town Administer which will be offered at the meeting.
1. Adjusted wording to the Sick Time section
2. Adjusted wording to the Vacation section
ii. Extended Accident and Sickness Plan Amendment
iii. Other
V. New Business
a. Council on Aging
i. PRF for the COA Program Coordinator
PCF for F. Collins - Min Wage Adjustment
b. Edwards Library
i. PCF – Library staff (4) currently earning a rate of $13.75 to be increased to $14.25 as of 01/01/2022 to accommodate for the Minimum wage adjustment that took place.
c. Elections
i. PCF – Election Workers (8) currently earning a rate of $13.75 to be increased to $14.25 as of 01/01/2022 to accommodate for the Minimum wage adjustment that took place.
d. Highway Department
i. PCF - A. Carriveau, Resignation Eff 01/30/2022
e. Assessors Office
i. PCF - Assistant Assessor Extension of extended hours
VI. Executive Session
i. None
VII. Adjourned
Next Meeting February 17th at 6:00 pm |